12 March 2015

Look What We Cooked Up!

Cook and taste session

Our extra care scheme, James Hill House initiated its first interactive cook and taste session in collaboration with Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) Dietetics team for the community and the elderly at James Hill House.

The programme when conducted a few years ago at James Hill House, was a huge success and after consultation with the residents during the resident meetings, it was decided to re launch it.

Cook and taste session at James Hill House

The programme comprised of 6 free weekly, two hour sessions, where the residents learnt to cook nutritious, tasty and affordable food. It also gave residents at James Hill House and residents from the local community, the opportunity to be involved in the cooking process. Residents were really pleased to be able to prepare some of their favourite meals in a more healthy and affordable way.

Pasta was made, along with baked cakes, with a variety of other dishes. Everyone was happily involved in breaking eggs, adding the correct amount of ingredients, smelling the aromas of the food items and mixing the ingredients together.

Cook and taste session at James Hill House

Residents at James Hill House and other members from the community found the sessions very interesting with healthy eating advice and delicious recipes. All residents that attended were also presented with a certificate at the end of the last session.