22 February 2016

A new day care centre for all ages

Members of Octavia's Kensington Day Centre lunch club

The new, expanded Kensington Day Care centre will be completed by Summer 2016 and will offer three flexible areas which can be arranged into open, accessible public spaces or quieter spaces for private meetings, therapies and treatments. We are partnering up with Open Age and will be based at the heart of Portobello, London providing a range of activities for the young and elderly.

We want to ensure the building provides a diverse range of opportunities and services to connect people of all ages and backgrounds through various projects, events and activities running regularly throughout the week’ 

        Neil McCarthy, Assistant Director of Care and Support 


Kensington Day Care CentreIn the evenings, the new building will be used by an Octavia Foundation project for young people. The young people’s group is to run 5-9pm to avoid school hours. Above the centre will be 13 new one-bedroom flats designed to help older people with mobility problems to live independently. The building will have level access throughout and incorporate lighting, signata, colour and assistive technologies to support members who have dementia and other age-related impairments.

We also offer support to families and carers through respite and advice and will continue to do so.

6N6A0193The number of people reaching the age of 65 and over is increasing with needs expecting to nearly double by 2050. Octavia see the importance of this and strive to provide the best possible care and support.  We also encourage residents to participant in activities and socialise to help maintain their health and wellbeing and get the right support to prolong their independence.

Our centres are modern, safe, accessible and affordable'